Tuesday, November 23, 2010


"an unfocused drawing made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied"

Jochen Gerner (born 1970) is a French illustrator, he has had his comic-book style work published in several publications including the New York Times and various childrens books. 

Liberation (Source)

A 'doodle' is defined as an unfocused, aimless scribble or drawing, whilst a persons attention is distracted. Gerners' 2003 book entitled Branchages is a perfect example of mindless drawing, the book was entirely produced whilst Gerner was on the phone.

It has become a sort of personal journal. It witnesses my conversations, my readings and my personal reality.

        Jochen Gerner

 Branchages (Source)

Branchages gives an insight into his thoughts, feelings and conversations through clues in his work, it is through Gerners subconscious that these are portrayed to each page. When looking at pages from Branchages, your eyes don't know where to look, there are so many tiny little moments Gerner has unknowingly shared with us.

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