Thursday, February 09, 2012


Creating a digital portfolio has numerous advantages over its traditional counterpart. Not only is it far more portable, it can be lightweight in file size aswel as weight. Displaying work on-screen shows skills such as interface design and user navigation can be in the way the designer intended, not as a printed image. The primary advantage of having a digital portfolio opens your target audience to the internet as a whole, whereas a traditional portfolio limits to your audience to people who are viewing it in interview or exhibition. Interactivity can optimise the viewing of your work and allow the user to enjoy their experience whilst discovering your content. The use of buttons, rollover effects, tweens and fades allow users to almost play with your portfolio while uncovering your work.

Easily kept up-to-date, online content can be quickly changed and manipulated to show your newest piece of work and give your audience something to come back for. Pages such as contact and bio are key features of an online portfolio, this allows potential clients to gain information about who you are and what you do, along with giving them the option to contact you for further questions or possible commission work.
Overall the advantages of having a digital portfolio far surpass the disadvantages (file corruption, copyright issues and hosting fee to name a few) and is by far worth the time and effort it takes to create one.

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